3 Ways Outsourcing Cleaning Service Makes Your Office Staff More Productive

If your business only has a few employees, mobilising the team to perform in-house cleaning instead of hiring a professional cleaning service might seem like the perfect way to cut costs. However, this may not be the most efficacious way to maintain cleanliness at the workplace, especially when your employees are already snowed under with their usual work.  Having said that, hiring a professional cleaning service is an option you should consider if you want to maintain a clean, truly professional-looking work environment, but also get the most out of your employees.

Tips to Help Speed Up the Process of Moving House

So, you're moving out of your old home and don't know where to start? Moving is usually a very boring, mundane and long process. In fact, it's often so long that it can cause people to procrastinate its completion, making it even longer! Because of this potential feedback loop, it is important that you get it over as soon and as quickly as possible so you can put your old home on the market.

Bye Bye Beetle

When moving into an older property with carpet, it is important to perform a deep clean to remove embedded dust, hair and potential insect infestation. Some beetles thrive in old carpets, and to ensure that they don't means thorough cleaning and maintenance. The Varied Carpet Beetle is one such pest. It lives in dark, dirty environments and can become a real pain if not dealt with quickly. This guide will help you to understand your unwanted house guest and provide practical tips for removing them and maintaining a clean carpet.